To convert inpage urdu writing to unicode
To convert inpage urdu writing to unicode

to convert inpage urdu writing to unicode

And if you do not have Unicode text on your website it will not be indexed in any major search engines(Google, Yahoo, MSN.) So if your website contains a lot of good Nastaleeq images and great flashes, it may be useless because people can not find you. Why convert InPage text to Unicode? Good question! it is a simple fact that search engines can only index text and caption text of images. KAINAAT: InPage to Unicode Text Converter saves your time and effort by converting one file or several (even thousands!) files in a single pass. This is very useful for making index of large files.KAINAAT: InPage to Unicode Text Converter has a very Intuitive easy interface that saves your learning time and gets you started in minutes. It can Make a complete Word List Sorted! on the fly. This will Purify your text and it will not only look more beautiful but your file size will also be reduced. It will Convert two or more spaces into a single space on the fly. But when you convert this text to Unicode or some other format it would not join it and it would be shown as separate. Let me explain: In InPage a composer types the word NAHEEN. InPage does a good job at Nastaliq WYSIWYG page maker but it lacks some very basic needs of a standard word-processor.

to convert inpage urdu writing to unicode

With this tool you can instantly import your carefully typed paste text in Microsoft word and other word-processor.

To convert inpage urdu writing to unicode